As an Innovative Training Network, our approach to bringing about innovation is via education. The 15 Early Stage Researchers that join our project will gain multidisciplinary and cutting-edge expertise from our hosting institutions and associated partners, which is required to manipulate biological catalysts for meeting tomorrow’s demanding challenges in sustainable production processes.

All our ESRs will receive periodic and specialised guidance under their Individual Research Projects. Moreover, ESRs will work in at least three different working environments, both academic and non-academic.

In cases where doctoral programmes extend over a period of 48 months (ESR 13 & ESR 14), local funding will cover the remaining 12 months.

Our training goals:

We will engage leading and world-class scientists in a structured training program and cover a portfolio of interdisciplinary approaches in the field of carboligation.
We aim to equip our researchers with a wide range of multidisciplinary techniques and methods such as microfluidics or flow cytometry. Moreover, we are set to provide them with an entrepreneurial and innovative mindset.
Our training activities are aimed to provide our researchers with versatile skills that enable them to work in different work environments. This includes guidance related to networking and problem-solving abilities.
We aim to foster personal contacts and crossed expertise among the participants of our project.
We believe that personnel exchange is an effective way to shape European researchers that are able to become future leaders in the biocatalysis field with a focus on carboligation.

CC-TOP Training Schools

We have envisioned a series of events designed for all the ESRs involved in the CC-TOP project. These meetings aim to increase the exchange of expertise between institutions, foster the dissemination of research results and nurture networking. Moreover, we will complement these events with Training Schools for ESRs to learn new techniques, needed to convert ideas to innovations, while anticipating industrial needs.

We have planned three meetings to gather supervisors, ESRs and partner organisations to transfer knowledge in a pedagogical way. We have organised these schools to cover scientific expertise but also transferable skills such as science communication or entrepreneurship.
1st CC-TOP
Training School
2nd CC-TOP
Training School
3rd CC-TOP
Training School

(future training)
4th CC-TOP
Training School

(future training)
Our ESRs will organise this event as a satellite to a major scientific conference. This meeting will include a networking session with fellows from other EU training networks and an internal scientific meeting with an external expert that will provide advice to the ESRs about their projects and career plans.
In our last outreach event, our ESRs will present their latest results harnessing the communication skills they will have acquired during the trainings. This conference will also be coupled to a major international scientific conference in order to increase the dissemination of their results.

Local training

Our project is set to strengthen the technical skills of our ESRs to ensure they can successfully execute their individual research projects. Our multidisciplinary activities planned for this purpose will serve trainees to obtain ECTS towards their PhD degree.

Five institutions involved in our project will organise lab courses to instruct ESRs in core technologies and state-of-the art instrumentation. These sessions will last up to one week and will combine theorical lectures with intensive practical training.
Some of our host institutions will offer additional local training sessions on scientific and transferable skills. This will include expertise on the use of programs such as MatLab or masterclasses about the design of experiments, among others.

External training

The ESRs that join our project will participate in at least one or two scientific international events that are relevant in the field of biocatalysis and biotransformation. Moreover, our researchers will jointly organise one workshop and one Final International Conference in collaboration with their supervisors, inviting for these occasions external leading scientists to provide lectures and discuss the project’s results.

Scientific international events



Final International Conference

Communication training

Our project is fully committed to disseminating our advances within the biotechnology industry, potential investors and the general public. We have integrated communication and outreach activities in the instruction programmes of ESRs, which will be guided by professional science communicators from our project partner Scienseed.

The communication training will include writing outreach articles, collaborating in producing an animated video about the project, fostering networking through social media and participating in science fairs and visits to schools to raise awareness about the relevance of our work.