ESR3 – Melissa Conte

ESR3 will focus on the development of standard kinetic assays for enzyme hit characterisation based on absorption. The researcher in this project will address the elucidation of the application scope of novel PEP dependent synthases. Specifically, they will identify sequences of PEP lyases in public databases, express and screen new lyases for substrate specificity, develop and validate new assays for lyases activity and verify enzyme stereoselectivity by preparative synthesis. Finally, they will determine the structure of the most interesting enzyme detected.

I would describe myself as a real south-Italy soul: enthusiastic, cheerful and, sometimes, a little bit impulsive! I have always been intrigued by all kinds of science, but Biotechnology was what I truly fell in love with: a passion that led me to pursue a BSc in Biotechnology and an MSc in Advanced Biotechnology. During my studies, I had the honor to work in different laboratories which gave me the basic knowledge of enzymology and crystallography, but also an understanding of what it means to be in love with research. Doing research is not an endpoint, it is about being ready to learn new things all the time, question yourself and be willing to accept and learn even from unexpected results. However, you should know I get bored easily and have a strange obsession with hand creams. Moreover, you will find my bookshelf full of Communication and Marketing books, an interest I may have carried with me from a past (or maybe later!) life.  I do not know what I will be in the future, but I wish to continue to follow fearlessly what I am passionate about and constantly challenge myself out of my comfort zone.

Project information

Workpackage: WP3

Project title: Discovery of new PEP lyases

Host institution: TU Darmstadt

Secondments: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and Prozomix Ltd

Supervisor: Wolf-Dieter Fessner