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3rd CC-TOP Training School in Groningen, The Netherlands – October 2023. Dates shown are likely dates. Actual dates are still to be decided.


  1. 1. Industrial Biotechnology training: Fundamental background in industrial applications, upstream and downstream processing, immobilization technologies, cascade reaction systems, emerging platform chemicals.
  2. 2. Industrial skills training including: i) intellectual property: definition general background, importance, how to effectively identify, manage and protect it. Options for scientists, licensing, FTO; Case studies. ii) Entrepreneurship in life sciences: business and start-up skills for scientists from idea to a successful venture. Roadmaps. Options for consultancy firms. Funding opportunities basics. Data treatment, competitive Intelligence tools, networking skills; iii) Book and technical document editing. Case studies; iv) Communication & Information for Business. Marketing strategies for science – channels and current trends. v) key lessons learned from success stories and failures in process development.
  3. 3. One-to-one mentoring to help the ESRs prepare a successful application for an industrial position.

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